Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Calling my bluff

Since I can remember I have "wanted to get married and have babies", I have been challenged to not limit myself and be open to other things have God wants from me. I appreciate the challenge, but I am 100% confident that God has be exactly where he wants me. However, it is still a challenge.
Sunday morning I dropped off my "other half" to to travel 1/2 way around the world. Everyone who knows me knows the above fact about always wanting to be a wife and mom, but only a few of them know that I have always wanted to be a military wife. When I was little my dad had an army jacket that I loved to wear and sparked a fascination in the military. During different encounters I have leaned that the military is great, but there is a lack of Jesus. About 2 years ago my heart became heavy with the need of Christian influence in the military and not just Christians, but people who are willing to live within the military transparent lives.
This is a new exciting "venture" that I get to experience, man it has been a long year... going from dating a man, to being engaged to a man, to marrying a man and now living life with him on the different side of the world.
I will be tracking our journey on here!

a little blurb from Brians new blog
As hard as it was to continue walking away, I am constantly reminded of Matt's words at community group, "it sucks, but it's also a great opportunity for God to use you." These words have resounded in my head a multitude of times since he said them. I'm so excited to see not only what God does in my life through this time, but also what he does for Sarah. I know we will be stronger and develop some great relationship through this deployment.

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