Thursday, October 25, 2012

a ring :)

A year ago on the 27th, it was a Thursday... I was getting dressed for a date with my boyfriend. He had been at what I thought was training all day because he was getting ready to leave for a month long Army training to learn what he was going to do in Afghanistan. I was a little annoyed because I didnt know why to wear, my best friend was telling me he was getting me towels and I got fake flowers, but the night ended with being proposed to TWICE and saying "YES!!" twice... then Brian placing this on my finger....
It was the busiest, quickest and slowest 91 days from October 27th until January 28th when I got marry the man of my dreams.
Yesterday I received a present, it was something I had asked for and had been ordered months ago, but never got delivered. The timing was perfect, it wasn't an anniversary gift, it was just a gift, but it couldn't have made more sense.
I got this.. a beautiful ring... its a heart with a yellow ribbon in it, I've wanted it for a long time and it got sent to my house. I felt that I could only receive it during deployment because of the yellow ribbon.
I started thinking today... I got a ring a year ago and within that year my life has flipped a million times. I am so grateful that I dont have to wait 91 days to see the love of my life, I should have a LOT less days, but it is a great reminder to pray for his safe return... and SOON return :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Soooo... how is married life?" ( a little ramble)

This is a question that I get often, its officially been 6 months and about 5 days since I married the most amazing man on the planet. I'm sure this is when the honey moon phase ends and the little tiffs and craziness begins, but for us it is a little tricky. I feel like we are stuck in month two. The other day I as talking about scrapbooks and what to do for our wedding scrapbook and I said "we'll have the wedding, the engagement and then next year I can make my one year album and by that I actually meant my two year album." I wonder  if it will ever feel like we are really married for a year and then two... will out ten year anniversary really feel like out nine year? I hope not...I hope they always feel like the first two months :)

we're goobers and we celebrate everything. I know that six months wouldn't have been different, but instead I spent the day filling picture frames and looking at the most amazing flowers I've received in a long time. I am blessed being stuck in honeymoon phase and totally okay with it :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A little Boom Boom Pow

well, as some of you know Brian and I moved on to base two weeks before he left. I have to admit it was the best life choice we made since getting married :). However there are a lot of things that come along with living on base. The speed limit is 25 mph, if you lose your ID you have to register to get on and it takes you twice as long to get anywhere on base.
The biggest thing is the evenings though. At 6pm and 10pm they play a beautiful version of Taps over the loud speaker. I can't hear it from inside, but I try to plan our evening ousting with Jack for that time so I can hear it, its my favorite thing ever! However the other noise the evening brings drives me CRAZY!! There is a shooting range on base (who would have thought right?) and I can hear that in the house. It drives me nuts and I just want it to stop. I understand its important but come on, keep it down! ALSO the ridiculous helicopters are so loud.
I get it... its to protect us, but it also scares me and makes me wish my husband was here even more!

-The end

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What a year can do to you....

The last year has been crazy! 
10 months ago I was on the other coast two months after graduating visiting my boyfriend who was in Officer training. 6 months ago I began planning my wedding to the man of my dreams and 3 months ago I got marry him :) Then a month ago I had to say good-bye for 9 months. (Eight in a few days :) ) 
This has been a scary, long and tiring 25 days. I am hoping to blog more, but I'm also hoping to finish my thank you notes, clean my house and figure out this whole bill paying stuff. We'll see what happens... the blog will probably get the first attention. 
On a more fun note... It was this little mans birthday this weekend. 

I got make his smash cake :) 
and he even shared :) 
it was a good, but long day... that is for sure! 
Also, on the 2nd my BFF had her birthday! We weren't able to make it since Uncle Brian left on the 1st, but he was sure to make sure she got the most perfect present any 3 year old  girl could need  :) 
The little booger wouldn't take off her pants for the picture and when they told her to smile they said "open your eyes and smile like auntie Sarah" Apparently I smile with my mouth wide open... 
She sure is over dramatic :) 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Calling my bluff

Since I can remember I have "wanted to get married and have babies", I have been challenged to not limit myself and be open to other things have God wants from me. I appreciate the challenge, but I am 100% confident that God has be exactly where he wants me. However, it is still a challenge.
Sunday morning I dropped off my "other half" to to travel 1/2 way around the world. Everyone who knows me knows the above fact about always wanting to be a wife and mom, but only a few of them know that I have always wanted to be a military wife. When I was little my dad had an army jacket that I loved to wear and sparked a fascination in the military. During different encounters I have leaned that the military is great, but there is a lack of Jesus. About 2 years ago my heart became heavy with the need of Christian influence in the military and not just Christians, but people who are willing to live within the military transparent lives.
This is a new exciting "venture" that I get to experience, man it has been a long year... going from dating a man, to being engaged to a man, to marrying a man and now living life with him on the different side of the world.
I will be tracking our journey on here!

a little blurb from Brians new blog
As hard as it was to continue walking away, I am constantly reminded of Matt's words at community group, "it sucks, but it's also a great opportunity for God to use you." These words have resounded in my head a multitude of times since he said them. I'm so excited to see not only what God does in my life through this time, but also what he does for Sarah. I know we will be stronger and develop some great relationship through this deployment.