Thursday, March 31, 2011

Best Day of the year!!

Dear Hunter, Kendrick and Trout,
I'll see you next Friday, glad you are back in town!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

yes please!

This was a blog on head boards... but i think this should have been a post about pillow cases.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I grew up with my grandma having wallpaper in her house, its green plaid. Its very classy and very much like my grandma, but I never thought of it much.
The otherday I took the boy to my grandmas house and he pointed out the wallpaper, apparently there is wall paper in the kitchen as well, but its small flowers, I dont remember it being there, but I assume its been there since they had the house juuust like the green plaid one. The flowers where also classy, but just not memorable.
So, in the process of procrastinating and getting ready to graduate, I have been googling wallpapper and needless to say, I AM IN LOVE WITH IT.
So dear blogger world... or at least the three people who read this blog, I am proclaiming that if I ever have a home. It will have fun wall paper. Maybe not as classic as my grandma's, but it will still be classy.
That is all.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Today I called my dear friend Becca and asked if she might be interested in getting an apartment together in the fall... I'd be in Washington St. I don't know if its going to happen or if its just us hopin' and a dreamin' but we were both estatic with the idea.

Now I'm sittitng at work decorating our apartment that we only talke about for about two mins, hope she's up for fun colors!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I will be referring to "that girl" in this post, i hope you see the apology of categorizing instead of being upset at the categorization. Thank you!

In the last two weeks I have been humbled a lot, the things I never thought I'd do in college I have done... with about 2 months before graduation I have slowly become "that girl", the girl that I have tried so hard not be in the last three years at Cal Baptist. However, I've realized the reason I didn't want to be that girl was not because I was against the things that "that girl" did or had, but because I didn't have it so I talked myself out of it and made it ridiculous so that I didn't yearn for it. So, I have become the girl who stands outside my apartment with a boy after 11 because he cant be inside, I've been become the iphone addict tweeting, fbing and instagraming all day long and now.... I have become the "strengths finder" person. I think I took it once last year, but I can't tell you what my strengths where or what they meant, but last night I took the test and then read the meanings.... it was FASCINATING!!
1. Woo
  • You enjoy the challenge of meeting new people and getting them to like you
  • Strangers are rarely intimidate you, but to the contrary, strangers can be energizing.
  • You are drawn to them. You want to learn their names, ask them questions, and find some area of common interest so that you can strike up a conversation and build rapport.
  • Not only are you rarely at a loss for words; you actually enjoy initiating with strangers because you derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection.
  • There are new people to meet, new rooms to work, new crowds to mingle in. In your world there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet -- lots of them.
2. Communication
  • You like to explain, to describe, to host, to speak in public, and to write.
  • You want your information -- whether an idea, an event, a product's features and benefits, a discovery, or a lesson -- to survive.
  • Your word pictures pique their interest, sharpen their world, and inspire them to act.
3. Developer
  • People strong in the Developer theme recognize and cultivate the potential in others. They spot the signs

    of each small improvement and derive satisfaction from these improvements.

4. Adaptability
  • You don't see the future as a fixed destination. Instead, you see it as a place that you create out of the choices that you make right now.
  • This doesn't mean that you don't have plans. You probably do.
  • Unlike some, you don't resent sudden requests or unforeseen detours. You expect them, n some level you actually look forward to them
  • You are, at heart, a very flexible person who can stay productive when the demands of work are pulling you in many different directions at once.
5. Positivity.
  • People strong in the Positivity theme have an enthusiasm that is contagious. They are upbeat and can get others excited about what they are going to do.
Developer and positivity are smaller descriptions, but its weird how much I relate to them... its a 30 min test that can totally call me out. Weird.

Thankful for this information.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My grandparents are the best

My grandma just said
"Every-time he walks into the room your heart should pitter patter and that should never change"
I asked
"Did grandpa do that to you all the time?"
She replied
"Yep, I don't think that ever changed, I loved seeing him walk in the room and I was always so thankful that he did"
50+ years and he still made her heart pitter patter, I love my grandparents.

Welcome to my last two weeks!

"Gee your eyes are gorgeous... even when they are red"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 7

In the last seven days....
I've become quit smitten over this boy.
I've enjoyed holding his hands
I've enjoyed kiss him
I've enjoyed the butterflies and the giggles
I've enjoyed that we just laugh and laugh together
I've enjoyed it all
.... the best part its only been 7 days.
I've turned into "that girl"
the... its 2am and we're outside my door, I just want to talk about him all the time, hopelessly pathetic sounding girl and wow he's great!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

dear world...

I'm officially "one of those girls" and I'm a bigger fan than I thought I'd be...
I freaked out all day
I made a lot of obnoxious noises
The UP men sang "One Less Lonely Girl"
He brought me roses
Then bought me coffee
He let me freak out
I asked a lot of questions
I made more obnoxious noises
I have a boyfriend
He prayed for us
We talked
Then we played words with friends
I like him a lot...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


is one of my favorites...
that has been preceded by other favorite nights, but this one...
this one is my absolute favorite one!
.... Talk about "unchartered ventures" ... here we go!

Monday, March 7, 2011

One of my favorite life moments...

One of my favorite moments in life... Candelstick park, walk off homerun to win the world series!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

- You text your mom during church
- I asked why you didnt like me any more
- You confirmed that you did and you not talking to me had nothing to do with you not being my friend
- It was a sunday
- I gave you a hug
- We watched the Laker Game
- We joked about you not coming to my wedding
- I swore you broke my ear
- You tried to talk me into folding your laundry
- We drank Coffee with your dad
- I sat with you as you smoke Cig
- You made parallel park my car, even though I begged you to
- We planned to go to the Angel/Sox game together
- I told you I was moving to Boston
- I told you about my dream and you told me you'd never come to my wedding
- I gave you a hug and you squeezed hard like you usually did
- Then I said "welp, see you in a few weeks"
- You didn't walk me to the car like you usually do, you were in the laundry room and you just smiled and said "see ya Trout"
- I wanted to take a picture with you
- If I knew that'd be last time I saw you I would have hugged you longer or spent more time there, I would have just grasped it all a little more.
- You'd think three years would be easier, but its not.
- I miss talking baseball with him, I miss getting random emails and texts from him, I miss spending Christmas Eve playing ping pong.
- I have been blessed with a friendship that I miss every day, but I know will be united for eternity!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday in pictures

Then I got my morning Coffee!
Then I got my favorite breakfast... one of this suckers!
Then I went shopping
Now for the rest of the day.... I'm going to try and get some of this done....

while watching....
then a photo shoot with this girl
THEN!!! We're having the ultimate girls night consisting of....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My March to do list:

1. Finish live text
2. Go to Disneyland with my mom
3. Buy a mole skin and practice writing like this

4. Spend lots of time with this girl
5. Catch up on my photography class projects with Danie
6. Spend lots of time in the word
7. Prepare mentally to work here..

8. Celebrating the birth of these girls....
9. Missing this kid a lot!

9b. Praying for this family...
10. Enjoying the one the last three months of school that I have left!