Friday, August 26, 2016

Happy 100th Birthday National Park Services (Part 1)

A few years ago my sister started taking her girls to the National Parks to participate in the Junior Ranger program. At first I thought she was a major nerd, "Really? You're going to take your kids to all the National Parks?...Yay"
Like a lot of things, she was right! National Parks are realy cool, and honestly, you've probably visited some of them or wanted to visit some without even knowing about it! This summer we've experienced the greatness of the NPS and with a little guy, its even better. We have visited a few places where he can run and explore without fear of losing him because most national parks have large areas of beautiful trails and land.
In early June we headed out to go on a bike ride, but because of a napper we kept driving and ended up at Jamestown, VA. Jamestown is part of the The Colonial National Historical Park a triangle that consist also of Yorktown and Williamsburg. When we went to pay for our park pass we found out that Military is 100% free for a whole year. We reluctantly took the pass from the lady (thinking we might use it at Jamestown again) and headed off with the other families there on family vacation. As we crossed the bridge, Henry running in front of us, we fell in love!
Jamestown is all about John Smith, Pocahontas and is currently in the middle of a huge archeological dig! We walked around the cemetery where houses where built on top because there was no recording of the cemetery, the church that has glass on the floor from previous archeological digs and ate lunch along the James River. We sat under beautiful magnolia trees and listened to an actor talk about his experiences coming over on the ship and the struggle they had building Jamestown, as the deer ran by.
As we left, with full hearts, we stopped by the gift shop to get our Ornament and also picked up a NPS Passport book (nerd status with the "collectors edition" with stickers). The passport book will hold our stamps (or cancelations) as we travel the country forcing Henry to explore the National Parks... some day he'll start working on his Jr. Ranger Badges.
As nerdy as we feel, its been so much fun. It is a great way to get out of the house with purpose, learn new things about the area we are living for a short time and be able to live history not just read about it in a book. I pray that Henry loves history and these goofy trips we take him on, I hope that as he grows up he gets to say "I've been there" when they talk about things in school and even "well did you know...." as they discuss different areas of the country, we sure do live in a beautiful place!


Friday, July 29, 2016

Why I never shared my birth story....

I don't remember the date, but I know we were at a girls night out in Tacoma, Washington I was a 2nd Lieutenants wife sitting at a table full of military spouses wives with many years of experience before me in life, motherhood and marriage. The subject of babies came up, because the subject is bound to come up with that many women around and someone may have even been pregnant (which is usually what brings these sort of stories up). Each woman who had given birth began to discuss their birth experience with details of time, liquids, rips and tears. I remember one lady VIVIDLY holding her hand against her head sticking her elbow out creating a triangle shape and said "this is how my second came out". I  about SCREAMED! I'm sorry, but the whole birthing experiences grosses me out in and of itself, I don't need my baby coming out with his arm STICKING out.
I don't know if it was because of that experience or because since that moment Brian and I began talking more and more about having babies, that I started hearing these stories everywhere I went and when I got pregnant they got WORSE! It was almost as if once you're pregnant you're in their club and now everyone can tell you the absolute worse thing that ever happened to them during their experience.  Babies coming our sideways, with ten teeth and being paralyzed from epidurals multiple times... If you're pregnant, I'm sorry its not that scary, they are the exception NOT the rule.

The only picture we have from FOUR days of induction 

All that to say, although my pregnancy was not ideal and I didn't have a 30 minute labor ending with an all natural delivery. The result was the same as the women in the room next to me who did... I have a happy healthy baby. And as we both left with our babies I didn't see her carrying a trophy saying she did all that... so mommas, take a breath and slow down, motherhood is hard enough why make everything such a competition and why put such high expectations on you so early (you'll have plenty of time for all that when your baby isn't the first to walk or eat solids, I promise). I had to learn this early in my pregnancy, at 8 weeks pregnant when I was hit with the realization that EVERYONE has different experiences, this is just mine, not good or bad.

Our First Family Picture
Henry was born April 6 at 2 something in the morning. The reason I don't know the "something" was because he was born on Monday morning and I was induced on Friday morning, so at the point I just wanted to hold my baby. He measured at 7 pounds 11 ounces and the only reason I know that much is for obvious reasons. The process of giving birth to Henry was not what I expected, but I got to meet a lot of the hospital staff and if you're ever at Madigan Army Medical Center and you hear bad things, tell people to put a sock in it. If I had been anywhere else I'm certain that I would have been forced into a c-section, but instead Doctors,nursing staff and intern after intern worked so hard to allow me to have the birth I wanted.
Henry Day 1I refuse to tell my story unless specifically asked, its a hard one, its a long one and to be honest I've forgotten when things happened and in what order.. for that I am thankful. I do however, that I pray the next deliver doesn't take 4 days.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

What is more American than Baseball?

I am!
This is my favorite time of year, from Memorial Day to Labor Day every store you walk into (well at least my regulars: Target, Michaels, Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's)  are decked out in Red, White and Blue! Even before I was a military wife I was extremely patriotic and wanted all things stars and stripes, but now that I have an excuse to own them (even as my husband chuckles and rolls his eyes) I need all the things!
So far this year I have snagged this beautiful LILLEbaby Complete All Seasons Carrier. Friends, this is the most comfortable carrier I have ever used. During the first 9 months of being a mom I used my ring sling, but once my little guy started trying to jump out I knew I needed something more secure. After doing some research I decided to try on a Lille Baby and it is perfection! Not only does this "Stars in Our Eyes" print cause my heart to skip and extra beat, but it allows for comfortable use in all weather conditions, which is necessary as a military wife because who knows where I will be next. The front panel folders down via zipper and allows air to flow through a breathable mesh lining. We just used this during our four day Memorial Weekend trip to Boston, New York and Philadelphia and it was fantastic and although it was humid and hot, I didn't feel like the carrier added much heat for me or our little guy!

If you're interested in more information about their award winning, comfortable and safe carrier please visit their website here. (if you have any specific questions let me know, I have a friend who works with them who would be willing to help you out!) 

(Left to right: Visiting Fenway in Boston, Riding the subway in NYC and Visiting the 9/11 Memorial) 

The next purchase I have made this year is my new Target backpack. I have been ready to tradition from a Diaper Bag to another bag, but didn't know what that was until I walked into Target and saw this beauty! 

I immediately sent the picture to my husband and a few days later he brought it home as a surprise! How sweet of him! Its been the perfect transition bag for me as far as a being a mom goes and if I'm without the baby (which happens now, its an incredible feeling) I don't feel like I'm carrying a diaper bag, but instead feel stylish and cute. The also have one that has red on it with a similar pattern, you should check out your local Target and see what they have available.

My last purchase is an addiction that I have developed in the last month due to my friend becoming a LuLaRoe consultant. If you haven't seen in person, on Facebook or any other social media outlet there is a craze going on with these leggings that feel like butter! Although I am not a huge fan of the leggings I do love the Cassi Skirts and their Shirts, especially their Randy and Classic Tee Styles. Well, this week they announced their 4th of July capsule. Thats it... TAKE ALL MY MONEY! I'll have one of everything please! After hours of search and Facebook stalking I was able to score my new "Army Wife Shirt" and cannot wait to wear it!

If you are obsessed as I am check out my friend Amelia's Facebook Page, rumor is there will be some  4th of July Capsule Items posted this next week!

These are a few of my recent purchases, stay tuned for the items I have on my wish list later this week!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Are you my new Best Friend?

Moving to Washington initially was not the hard, in fact it was my idea before I even started dating my Husband. I had decided to move there to live with a college roommate and quickly became involved in a church there. However, the week my husband reported we found out that he’d be deploying 7 months later. So we got engaged, got married and moved on post in 180 days. 
In the midst of planning a wedding, organizing a honeymoon and preparing for deployment I knew I needed some friends who were going to be in the same boat as me, the friends who will also be alone on a Friday night, missing family at holidays and heartbroken over the fact their husbands where across the world. It was then I realized that you don't have time for awkward. Every new encounter with another Military Spouse is like a first date and  to top it off you're speed dating. You have 2-5 minutes to decide if this person is worth it. There is no time for casual run ins that turn into coffee dates and may eventually become girls I hangout with every now and then. I needed someone to go have wine with a cry with after I dropped him off at the gym, I needed someone to eat dinner with once or twice a week so it wasn't so lonely at home, I needed someone to celebrate all of the holidays I'd be missing spending time with my family... and I need it NOW! 
I had heard my husband say that there was a wife who was living on post who was about my age, we met awkwardly at a Starbucks and shared life stories. Done, we were friends. She told me at that coffee date that someone was moving in across the street from her and she thought maybe her husband was going to be deployed with our husbands. Yes, he was and there began our friendship. A couple weeks later our husbands left, the lady across the street had a baby two weeks after that and my real life episode of army wives began. 
However I believe my gold star moment in making friends occurred with my next door neighbor. She had a dog, as did I, we had casually ran into each other a couple times and I decided we were going to be friends (now this might put me on some stalker list, but so be it). So I would listen to when she'd walk her dog and I would wait about 2-5 minutes and walk our dog. I mean really it was night and he needed to pee too... right? Well, after many attempts we finally ran into each other, started talking again and found out the her husband and mine where on the same post overseas. BANG... Best friends! A year after my stocker episode I was in the room with her as she went through the final step of her IVF experience. 
Now I am across the country for six months, some would say that is nothing, not worth investing in, but I read somewhere about how military wives plant roots wherever they go, so I’m striving to do that for my family. As I throw my son and I into different mommy and me groups and make trips to the playground I hope I connect with a mom or two. 
A month and a half into a mommy and me group it happened, a 5 minute speed date in the lobby of Romp N Roll, led to the exchange of numbers, constant texting and eventually a much needed girls day where we shared our life stories as if we’d known each other forever because we only have a few months to become “old friends” because we’ll have to say good-bye and start the search again. 
(The women on second from the right its he girl I had coffee with just weeks before our husband deployed and to her right the women who was moving in across the street. Since that first meeting we've added there more babies to the group the ones pictured in this group are all a week apart) 
What is the craziest thing you've done to meet or introduce yourself to another military wife?
 Share in the comments below! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

5 Things I've learned during my 1st PCS move

So we did it!
We finally got our first orders to PCS (permanent change of station). These were very expected PCS orders, ones we'd been anticipating for four years (that, by the grace of God, turned into 5 years). However, I don't think anything can quite prepare you for the move across country, especially with a toddler. But here are 5 things I've learned as first time PCS-er. 

1. Don't worry about preparing for the movers. 
About two months before our move I started freaking out, "What should I pack?", "I need to clean this out.", "I need to organize this".... You're probably going to do it too, but rest assure that the movers will come in and pack everything. Your organized bathroom with be repacked, tipped over and moved multiple times before you see it again. So don't  

Tip: I did find an idea on Pinterest where someone suggested having different colored tape for each room of the house (example: Kids room is blue, your room is yellow, etc.) when you get to your new house you put the same color tap above that door then the movers know where to put things without you having to stand there and telling them. I thought that was nonsense, but it would have been so helpful for everyone and I'm definitely going to try it on my next PCS. 

2. Be prepared for your new location
The best advice I got was to pack towels and a few pots an pans in your car. 
WHAT?! I would never have thought of that on my own, when you get to your new house you're most likely going to want to take a shower, but if you have to dig through multiple boxes to get those towels out, no one is going to be happy. You're also probably going to be so sick of eating out, if you have a few pots and pans you can make a nice home cooked dinner with some face dollar tree plates and utensils. 

4. Take advantage of a free vacation! 
We have been planing this PCS before we were married. Brian had been stationed in Virginia while we were dating and we knew in 4-5 years we'd be going back there for this schooling. We'd planned the trip about 5 different ways, we were excited for the opportunity to explore the country and things we've never seen before. We are the definition of "History Nerd' and we knew we'd have to see as much as we could so we strategically planned a trip to see things we've only before read about, our favorite being San Antonio where we saw the riverwalk and the Alamo.
The military usually (used loosely, because after all it IS the military) gives you ample time to move, look for some historic sights on your way and enjoy your transition with your family. 

5. Pick a hotel chain and stick with them.
We chose La Quinta Inns Suites as our hotel of choice. Why? 
Well, most of them except dogs at no extra charge and, although we usually woke up earlier than the breakfast, the provide a pretty decent breakfast. The Perk was that we earned ourself a free night (which we enjoyed during our 4 day memorial weekend exploring the east coast),  they do a military discount, and you automatically move up to the second level of their rewards program.
As you can tell I highly recommend La Quinta, but which ever hotel you choose, stick with it and earn a free night to explore the new area around you.

Tip: We learned quickly to choose La Quinta Inn Suites instead of just La Quinta Inn. We found most time the Suites were in a better area and a better experience all around. 

Have fun!
 Don't stress too much, many have come before you and have survived, chances are you're just as smart, if not smarter than them!
What is your biggest PCS piece of advice or what you would do differently? Share in the comments below!