Saturday, November 5, 2011

I got proposed to....TWICE!

Last thursday I said YES to the biggest venture of my life.. Becoming Mrs. Brian Frausto! We'd been praying and making pro/con list for a few months. Was it too soon? We've only been together for a few months, is this for real or just mushy love? It was only a few weeks until I knew I was in love with this man and there has never really been a "what if" but more so a "when. So that being said I left WA on Wednesday October 19 to go to CA hoping we were getting married in Feb, but knowing he was unsure still, knowing he was leaving the following weekend for a month of training and knowing he still hadn't talked to my Dad. all that being said here is how the story goes...
While in CA I got a text from Brian asking me if I wanted to go out to celebrate our 8 months before he left, of course it came to my mind that he might propose but I still couldn't figure out how he talked to my dad and bought a ring within a week. So... Thursday,date night, came along and I was pretty sure it was happening until I went to Brian's apartment to drop something off and there was a box for Bed Bath and Beyond on his doorstep. I asked him was it was and be said not to worry about it.
That threw me off... He bought me a present not a ring, whatever!
So after spending a good two hours getting ready, picking an outfit and making a last min change my prince charming arrived with a beautiful bouquet of Purple flowers. We got in the car and headed off. He wouldn't answer my questions, but he was so calm I knew he wasn't asking me to be his wife. He drove me to a place That overlooked the water in Tacoma, we got out of the car and all I saw where logs... So I asked if we could play on them. Real mature huh? Being ever who calm he held my hand as I enjoyed it. Then he said "hey look over there" I looked over and saw this

(pictures I took before the toast!)

A Romantic picnic for two under a canopy over looking a beautiful peninsula. As we walked up I saw a pink basket sitting on my chair, wine glasses and beautiful red flowers. We sat down (in our new chairs) and started pulling out our picnic dinner (from our new picnic basket, which was in the bed, bath and beyond box that threw me off). He pulled out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, champagne, cheese and crackers and chocolates from Godiva. He opened the cheese and crackers for me to start nibbling on while he opened the champagne (which I made him shake up to see how loud we could make it pop, how far the cork would go and how much fuzz we can make fuzz over). He poured our champagne and said he wanted to make a toast to us.
This was the first time he got nervous and that was when I knew what was going on...for real! I started tearing up and trying to take in everything that he was saying! After trying to remember what he wanted to say he pulled out his toast that he wrote and read it to me. He said some amazing things and then explained our dinner and our relationship...
"You and I have a cheesy (cheese and crackers) yet quirky and fun relationship. We go together like PB&J (sandwiches) . Our strength make up for eachothers weaknesses. An like the finest most expensive chocolate our love is a sweet indulgence (Godivia) . So take up your glass and celebrate with me because 7 is the number of completion and 8 (the number of flowers on the table) is the number of new beginnings."
he then walked over, stood in front of me and said, as he got down on one knee,
"Sarah Bethany Trout, will you do me the honor of taking my hand in marriage and living out this crazy life together?"
I said YES! I kissed him and he reached in to get the ring and as he opened the box, his face dropped and he looked panic as he said "Babe, the ring isn't here"... now having the cheesy relationship that we do I thought he was joking, but not he was not. He started frantaically looking on the ground to see if it fell out and in his pocket then he said "Oh no I grabbed the wrong box" and without saying a word he RAN to the car... as I yelled "Run BABY RUN!!!!". He ran back, got down on his knee again and said "Sarah, will you spend the rest of THIS crazy life with me"
With laughter and great joy I said "Yes!" again.
So, January 28,2012 I am marrying the man of my dreams and living out the rest of this crazy life with him!

Our friend Chuck was in the bushes trying to take pictures of the proposal, unfortunately it was too dark, but we were able to get post engagement pictures. So much fun!

My eight flowers that symbolize the 8 months that we were starting

The pink box on the right is a box full of engagement things that Brian put together for me.. it had two bridal magazines, a picture frame, a new wine glass painted in a wedding theme, tick tacs, lip gloss and the movie 27 dresses. I love that he put that together for me.

After going to dinner, where we didn't take a picture, we wen to see Brian's friend Felicia and tell her the fun story and thank her for all her help coming up with ideas we spent some time there and then went back to Brian's apartment to finish our champagne, change our facebook status' and relish in the fact that we were going to spend forever together...

annnnd there might have been a little wedding planning done as well! :)
(he's just so handsome!)

I am one positively absolutely lucky and blessed girl! :)