Monday, July 18, 2011

Once upon a ponder...

I left home a on June 2nd for Tennessee... It's currently July 20th and I haven't been home.
I have meet 20 amazing staffers that have changed my life, I have gone on my dream vacation with my mom, I am currently sitting in a room provided by my amazing boyfriend and am getting ready to go visit my high school best friend and meet her new little
Te craziest thing is I might be returning to the west coast, but things are no going back to "normal", I'll be going home to say good-bye, pack my things and head up to WA to start my post graduate life. What that consist of, I'm not quit sure, but I'm stoked for that adventure! So far fit means I move in with Miss Becca Fliant, then in November my best friend joins me.

Some of the plans/dreams/hopes thus far:
- Thursday night Jersey Shore nights with Becca.... With a cheese and wine theme to honor their Italian setting
- decorating an apartment... Or two (HGTV I will represent you well!)
- buy kayaks
- become a runner
- become a morning person
- have Saturday morning adventures in Seattle

This adventure is scary, but exciting. I've learned that I'll have to say goodbye, miss important events and even the not so important ones, but I can't wait to see how God orchestrates it for his glory.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 12

Today is day 12 of my amazing journey with my mom. Twelve days is a lot of days for anyone to travel, but for us the one preceding today almost did us in. There were no extra steps taken, extra sights seen or anything out of the ordinary, but for some reason day 11 was a hard one. We went to bed early last night in order to start our day off early today. That didn't happen instead is started with a lazy morning, with a mid afternoon starbucks stop.
With a text from the boy that said "Hope today is the best ever"... we were on our way.
We started at the American History museum viewing Julia Child's Kitchen, Dorthy's Shoes and the Muppet's, but I'm finding I'm not a huge fan of this like that, but instead desire the hard facts (which I will later talk about my trip to the Newseaum...). After a lot of "ooohing" and "awwwing" we made our way over for our 1:45 appointment the Holocaust museum.
When I was in High School I visited a concentration camp and WW2 has always been fascinating so to visit our countries national museum was a privilege. We walked in an went up the elevator, watched a movie about propaganda and then started our venture, but I was in for more than I'd expected.
There was an older lady and a younger lady walking together the older lady was explaining the pictures and translating the signs and as I heard her say "Those signs were anti-Semitic they read 'I only date German Girls' and those say the same about boys". (Now I have a theory that if you follow old people through a museum you learn more, so as I heard her speak I began to follow). After about 5 mins of trying to stand in the back and not ask questions a man, loud and abrupt, asked who she was. The younger women answered and said "this is my great aunt, she's a survivor and you may join our tour if you want"... then she looked at me (who had though I'd been so smooth is staying in the shadows) and said "You may as well if you'd like". This began a two hour tour of the Holocaust Museum being escorted by Ms. Margit Meissner.
She would describe the pictures and then tell of how her story fit in with what the museum had depicted. She was part of a 2,000 people escape that a man whose last name was Fry helped execute, it was during the time they were trying to take the elite and intellegant out of the Nazi run areas in hopes of saving people such as Einstein. Her and her mom were able to escape (I believe from Austria or maybe Paris, but I got a little confused on the part trying to hear over people, I'll tell you when I'm done with her book) they rode our with 1,998 other people on bicycles the day before Hitler invaded the town they were in.
She was such a small fragile women with so much history behind her, I got her book, a picture and a signature and look forward to sharing more about her.

Margit's Story
Margit Meissner