Friday, May 27, 2011

Two more "Ventures" down!

Well, here I am a college graduate AND a military girlfriend.

On May 7th, 2011 I, Sarah Trout graduate college. Something that no one thought would actually happen. It took a lot of people to get to this point and for all of those people I am forever grateful. For Mr. Lindamen who stayed an hour everyday after school for three years while I learned how to read and spell, to Ms. Baily who told me I could graduate even when I figured I never would, to my Mom who proofread and to Emily who listened to me complain, to Amanda who always worked a step ahead of me so I always had someone to catch up to, to my cousins who went before me who were inspiration, to my nieces and cousin I hope to inspire,to the brother who was blue in the face (and still is) trying to get me to apply for real jobs and real majors, to the teachers who bared with me and the friends who encouraged me, to the boyfriend who listened to me cry and bought me a load of Panera during finals... this yellow/gold/lancer yellow tube with nothing in it, as well as the diploma, (which I have yet to pick up because my class didn't transfer in time, HOWEVER did get there before the deadline so I am a legit college graduate for realsies...)
Yep... my brother is a stellar photographer... but he and my uncle together are dangerous... My uncle decided that i needed a laffy taffy necklace, but that I needed it DURING the ceremony. So I have three little cousins, one of them is bound to run over and give it to me right... right! So, as I sit cheering my friends on and being excited to hold this tube in my head this occurs..

If any of you know my uncle... or my brother you know this is not surprising. The last picture there is a lady in a green shirt... she was in charge of all of us and I got so nervous when she walked up. Oh the joys of my brother and uncle!

Well, I also mentioned I am not a military girl friend... yep! May 14, 2011 my wonderful boy friend was commissioned into the army and I was lucky enough to attend the ceremony. I loved every min of the day. If you know me at all you know that I am one of the biggest fans of the military and history and politics. Wow it was amazing to be able to see how the boys get commissioned in. Its been fun being able to meet the men that Brian worked with for the last three years and I've grown attached to a couple of them, such a joy to be able to share this special day with them.

Picture #1 we have to very similar to that... I love them and no matter what he says I'm not complaining, his cheeks were hurting and I was laughing at him :)
Picture #2 Scott said this one was cute, thats why I put it on here... I think all of them of us are cute :)
Picture #3 Thats Mark, but I was introduced to him as Graham and then I found out his real first name is James... so in conclusion... that's Brian's friend... he's great, he's in AZ and doing things top secret. Although he acts like he doesn't like me, I know I'm his favorite!

This is Brian's amazing family. They have been so welcoming to me and so kind to me. I am super blessed to have been able to spend time with them for the last few weeks.

Well, there is a SMALL update on my life and everything that has been going on.
A week from yesterday I leave for TN and start my "venture" as a camp counselor, but I have a couple cool things that have happened in between all this so I'll be updating more this week.
Thanks for reading! :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Small Update

Well, I wrote this blog because there are a list of things that are coming my way that I've never done before and I thought it'd be fun to write about them, the first thing that was new to venture on is my relationship, but you've all heard enough about him and that mess, but I just realized that my other adventures are right around the corner.

In three days I graduate

One month from right now I'll be in Tennessee

Two months from today I'll be in Boston

Three months from right now I'll be living in Gig Harbor Washington

I tend to fail mesireably at change, I cry a lot and freak out, but I'm not scared of any of this stuff. God is good and HERE WE GO!!